Averie Turns 2 Months!

Averie is 2 months old - October 20, 2012

Averie and Mommy playtime!
I cannot believe how fast and how slow the time has gone. It is so hard to believe that two months has gone by, but I am so happy that my time off with her has not gone by too fast. My first day back to work will be November 12. A few tears have already been shed because of this. :-(

I have been having so much fun spending the days with Averie. We have been staying busy. I have taken her to a couple meetings, we have gone shopping, we have visited lots of people and much much more. We take a walk almost every day with Milo. By the time 4 pm rolls around we are very excited for daddy to come home. 

Averie has her special time with Justin when he gets home. Usually I use this time to finish up stuff around the house done that I didn't get done, or I finish getting dinner ready. About every other day we give Averie a bath right before bed. The entire family enjoys bath time including Milo! We all are in the bathroom together during bath time. She really does love taking a bath, but not so happy afterwards. We think it is because she is cold. We get her ready for bed and then Justin or I will feed her and then put her to bed. That calms her down a lot.

Happy in the Morning

Sleeping in Daddy's Arms

All else has been great! More to come!

Fun Pictures

Here are some photos that I have taken recently and have not shared yet. Wanted to share them with everyone.

Cute Close Up!
The Family...except me.

I love my all my Aunties


So Precious

Big Smiles with Daddy

Daddy and his little Strawberry
The one time we get a photo with me she is crying!
That is what happens when you're the photographer in the family...
Too funny!

7 Weeks

October 7, 2012 - This past week we went to Madison with Justin while he was there taking a class for work at the Fluno Center. Averie and I walked around on State Street and near the Capitol every day. It was a lot of fun. She was a great traveler and did great being away from her home.

One day while we were playing around in the hotel room, I was able to capture a great photo of her smiling. She has been smiling a lot more lately and following and imitating the faces that Justin and I make towards her.

Averie - 6 Weeks - Big Smiles
Averie is still doing really well. She wakes up once between 1 and 2 am and then once again early in the morning between 5 and 6 am. She is still eating great. She weighed in at 10 lbs 11 oz on this past Thursday. She is just so much fun. We have taken her out to eat a few times as well and she is just so good.  Her neck is continuing to get really strong. She can hold her head up very well.

Justin and I are both doing great as well...if anyone cares! :-) I got the go ahead from my doctor that I can start running again and doing more strenuous activity, so Justin and I are going to start going to the Y again this coming week. I got five more weeks off of work and want to get back into somewhat of a workout routine. I miss running...:-( I am excited to start working out again.

Milo is doing well too. He spent four days at Grandma and Grandpa's house while we were in Madison. My mom just had surgery again, so I think they both enjoyed each other while my mom was laid up.

That is all for now.