Visions of baby's room dancing in my head...

February 20, 2012 - This past week has been pretty good for us. I have been feeling great. I am still tired a lot, but in the morning I feel like I have tons more energy than before which really helps me to get up and go to work. I have not had any substantial food cravings. My clothes all fit me good yet, but jeans don't give as much. I have had to use the old rubber band trick with a pair of jeans. The average person would not be able to tell I am pregnant yet, but Justin and I and our family can see a little bump!

I have been thinking a lot about the baby's room. It is just so fun to dream about the room and what it will look like. I love to plan and like to be over prepared so this is a great way to keep my mind busy. Thanks to an amazing friend, we already have the baby crib picked out!

I have been putting a lot of thought into some unique ideas to make the room special for our little one when I found these letters from A Work in Progress on Etsy. I think they are so cute and something that would look adorable in a girl's or boy's room! I absolutely love everything on Etsy. Once we determine the sex we will find a color to paint the room.
Source: via Jessica on Pinterest

We have also been giving some thought to strollers. We are both pretty active parents and love to be outside so Baby H will be going on lots of walks. The great thing about where we live is that we have a trail a few blocks down from our house that goes through the woods and along a river. It is a perfect place to take baby for a walk and I know that we will use it often. This makes me think that an all terrain stroller is going to be our best choice because the trail is gravel and wood chips mainly. I would love to hear some suggestions. We looked at the BOB Revolution stroller which seems to have some pretty good reviews.

Our next appointment is March 5 and then in April we will have our 20 week appointment to find out the sex of the baby! I cannot wait!!!!

13 Weeks!

February 10, 2012 - At my 12 week appointment, the doctor confirmed that "YES" I was very bloated. My friend Ali keeps making note to that commercial where they say "you got a call on line TOOT!" Hilarious. Gotta have friends that make you laugh in times like this!
4 Weeks
13 Weeks

We heard the baby's heartbeat again. It was so neat to hear. It is at about 160 per minute right now.

These past two weeks I have been feeling great. I have to say that I am lucky though because I never really had morning sickness like some women do, but overall I had a yuck feeling for about 6 weeks. I didn't want to do anything. Now I have much more energy and it is not so hard to get out of bed in the morning.

The next thing I am looking forward to is our honeymoon...better late than never! We leave March 7 for the Dominican Republic! Wooo Hooo! Get me out of here for a little while. I need to escape and relax and I am pretty sure Justin feels the same way!

Gas Pains = Ultrasound!

February 9, 2012 - We have our 12 week appointment tomorrow to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I have been waiting for this day because all of this will finally become a reality and then we can tell the world that we are having a baby...pretty much everyone already knows because we were too excited to keep quiet!

So I am driving to a meeting and I start to feel pain in my right upper abdomen behind my ribs. I sit through this hour long meeting and it just get worse. Finally I suck it up and go to the ER because it was so painful I was crying. I call Justin hysterical and he comes to the ER. We sit through blood tests and nothing is really wrong. They did say that I need to watch my gall bladder after the baby is born, but long story short...I just had gas!

The cool thing that came out of all of this is that we got to see an ultrasound of the baby. The doctor said it was the most active baby he has seen in a long time. It was so funny watching the little bugger waving arms and kicking legs. It was so precious. Later Justin said "this was just your plan so you could get an early ultrasound wasn't it?" Seriously no, but cool nonetheless.

Big News!

December 13, 2011 is the day we found out that our future was going to change a lot faster than we had thought. I stopped taking my BC pills in October. We figured it would take about 6-9 months to get pregnant. Who would have thought it would only take one month.

For the heck of it, we bought a pregnancy test the week before we found out and it was negative. Note to everyone out there...don't trust the tests that say accurate early results given. It is a lie!

We decided to take another test at the appropriate time on a Tuesday morning before going to work. This one very quickly had a line going vertically and horizontally making a lovely plus sign! We were a little shocked and decided to take the other test in the box. That one was positive as well. WOWZERS! OH MY GOSH. Is this for real?

Being a little shocked...well more like overly shocked...we decided to go to my doctor to get a test done with the doctor, start taking pills and get on track for whatever I was supposed to be doing. The ladies at the clinic laughed at us numerous times because they asked if this was planned. I said "well I got off the pill just a couple months ago and I guess we never expected it to happen this fast." They all really thought that was very funny. I find it funny now too!

So here we are starting the next chapter of our exciting and we are so happy to share it with all of you!