
So last week I found out that I have hypothyroidism which means I have an under active thyroid. This is very confusing to me because my symptoms align more with hyperthyroidism than hypo. Very weird, but I have now started taking medicine that will help my hormones balance out.

These were my symptoms before medicine: feeling cold, exhaustion, restlessness, some weight loss, and increased appetite. Now this is how I would feel on most days. When I look at the symptoms of each, I feel I align more with an overactive thyroid.

So now I am on this medicine, levothyroxine. I have no idea what to expect. Has anyone else gone through this? I like feeling cold more than feeling hot. I love being able to deal with the heat better than most people.

I have heard that women can go through this after having a baby. Averie is 9 months though, so would I still be experiencing this from that? I am still nursing, so my appetite might still be increased from that.

I don't know. I just don't want to take medicine just to take it. The nurse told me that this is something that I will have to be on for the rest of my life.

In July, I will go back and get more blood work done to see how the medicine is working. So far I have not felt that different from the medicine.

Looking for any information you can share.

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