I have been thinking a lot about the baby's room. It is just so fun to dream about the room and what it will look like. I love to plan and like to be over prepared so this is a great way to keep my mind busy. Thanks to an amazing friend, we already have the baby crib picked out!

I have been putting a lot of thought into some unique ideas to make the room special for our little one when I found these letters from A Work in Progress on Etsy. I think they are so cute and something that would look adorable in a girl's or boy's room! I absolutely love everything on Etsy. Once we determine the sex we will find a color to paint the room.
We have also been giving some thought to strollers. We are both pretty active parents and love to be outside so Baby H will be going on lots of walks. The great thing about where we live is that we have a trail a few blocks down from our house that goes through the woods and along a river. It is a perfect place to take baby for a walk and I know that we will use it often. This makes me think that an all terrain stroller is going to be our best choice because the trail is gravel and wood chips mainly. I would love to hear some suggestions. We looked at the BOB Revolution stroller which seems to have some pretty good reviews.
Our next appointment is March 5 and then in April we will have our 20 week appointment to find out the sex of the baby! I cannot wait!!!!